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Welcome to Today's Craziness, your dedicated source for a clear, unfiltered summary of the most shocking, bizarre, and newsworthy events in American politics. Covering the actions and decisions of the President of the United States and their Cabinet, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, we aim to document history as it unfolds—without editorializing or bias. If we do generate any opinion pieces, they will be specifically labeled so that you can ignore them, however, even our opinion pieces will try to avoid a biased conclusion.

New posts are published daily starting at 11 PM EST for the Executive Branch, Senate, and House of Representatives, while Supreme Court updates are provided on a weekly basis every Friday. Each synopsis includes a bibliography of primary news sources, allowing readers to explore the details further.

Why I Created Today's Craziness

I created Today's Craziness with two goals in mind: give people a single place to visit to get a quick understanding of what happened around the US government today AND to create a historical view with links to primary sources so that future generations can see what happened day-to-day across our Government.

Whether you're here to keep up with the latest political developments or to document history as it happens, Today's Craziness is committed to delivering accurate and objective coverage.

Thank you for visiting. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let the facts tell the story. If you need to contact us for whatever reason, please feel free to reach out to us at